Happy 4th of July! We woke up to a very HOT morning. It was already around 95 degrees at 9 p.m. (118 high) Daddy made his famous french toast breakfast and then Jace and I were off. We ran errands together and had fun at Target...especially looking at some fun Thomas the Train toys. Jace put up with me while I tried some clothes on in the dressing room. It can be quite a feat to do something so simple with a rambunctious 2yr old, but I figured it out--shopping carts can work great as a barricade :) After that, we had a pretty relaxing day around the house. Then it was off to the fun BBQ at the Pickett's! This too was eventful with a son who seems to never run out of energy! I chased him around and in and out of the pool most of the time. I didn't get to chat much with the other mom's but maybe next time. His floaties weren't working great so I had to watch him every second! He seemed to really like watching people play billiard pool too. This boy just can't get enough of sports. I love him so much! We went back and watched the MCC fireworks and he, of course, ooed and awed and wow'd, just like in Heber. Yet, these were closer than the ones last weekend and he seemed to enjoy the accompanying "boom!" This was clear when afterwords he wouldn't stop saying boom and pop! Hope all of your 4th was fun!!! It's Independence Day!!