I was hoping to send out Christmas cards, but I just didn't get to this year. So, here's our electronic version! Thanks to all that sent us yours this year! We love to see what's going on with your family and see your family pictures!
So, a quick update, Heath will be graduating from ASU this upcoming May 2008 with a bachelors degree in Urban Planning and Development. And we're up to our ears in graduate school applications as of now. We're applying to ASU, Portland State, Univ. of Colorado Denver, and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. With the deadlines quickly approaching, we hope to find out by March where life will be taking us.
Arizona has been good to us. We've made some good friends, love our ward and have had some amazing opportunities through both of our jobs. Heath is still working for West Mesa Community Development and enjoying it. However, we are closing a new chapter in our lives this week, as this Thursday will be my last day with my employer, Sport Court of Arizona. We both feel good about this decision and know it will be a financial hardship, but also know that the Lord will open up windows where doors have closed. I can finally stay home and be with Jace full-time, while also doing freelance work for the Pat Tillman Foundation.
In a few days, Heath and I will be off to Hawaii! My company is sending us there as a big going away present. Needless to say, I was shocked and so excited! We leave in less than a week. Jace has made so many good friends this year through his great preschool group twice a week! He's so sweet, when he says his prayers, he blesses each of his friends by name. He already is an example to me. He has more energy than I can muster! He loves trucks, trains, cooking, playing his guitar and drums, and going outside! He's constantly on the go and I'm constantly trying to find fun things for us to do! I feel so blessed to have this wonderful little boy in my life! Being a mom is the best job and his great big hugs are worth everything! Jace will be 3 years old in May. I can hardly believe how fast time goes. So, who knows where we'll be next year, but we'll keep in touch. We love you all. Hope this holiday season finds you and your family well.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
love, Stacey, Heath and Jace