You know you're a mom when... you put your own words to Disney songs.
Sometimes my life feels like it's surrounded in theme songs. Like...It's a Hard Knock Life or Blame it on the Rain, What a Day this has Been, How Do you Know You're in Love....etc. This just came out of nowhere today. I'm working on a skit for YW Girls Camp, so forgive the Little Mermaid tune. :)
Look at this house, it’s such a mess
Wouldn’t you think I’d be better at this.
Looking around me, you see, sure she’s got everything.
She’s got dishes and laundry, oh plenty
She’s got diapers and bills piled up galore
You want toys all around, she’s got plenty
But who cares, no big deal, just like the day before
I want to have the house spic and span
All the kids washed and perfect obeying
Dinner made and my lesson all done
What a sight that would be
I want to enjoy every moment I have
of laughter of smiles and even the crying
Love in the home when daddy comes home
And kisses for mommy
All of the work is worth it somehow
There’s more to life than the chores all around
Someday I’ll be the woman I see in me.