Saturday, December 26, 2009


I'm sitting at work wishing the day would go faster--looking at the clock thinking it has to be an hour later yet only 20 minutes have passed. Christmas day was a great day! We woke up and the kids got their stockings and the home-made sock monkeys from me. There was no having breakfast. The only thing on Jace's mind was presents. Thanks to his wonderful grandmas and grandpas the boys got more presents than we planned. that was a nice treat for them. I don't have my camera, but I'll post later.

It's crazy how Christmas expectations change as you get older. It used to be all about what I got. I didn't mind at all that I didn't open one present this year. In fact, I can remember Christmases being disappointed because I didn't get that much. My parents always gave us great gifts but nothing extravagant. Looking back, I'm grateful that there wasn't soo much focus on presents. One of my absolute favorite holiday traditions in my family is our home-made gift exchange. We only do it every other year. (this year was Heath's family xmas) We started it, I believe nearly 10 years ago, I think. We all draw names in December and this is the most anticipated gift of the whole day....mostly because you know that that person put their heart and soul into figuring out a creative home-made gift they would enjoy. Let's see, a few that I've made: Birdie Sling Purse, Framed Photo Collage, Embroidered Pillow, Family Web site, i can't think of others. Some that I've received: Quilt, Xmas Wall hanging, Pillow Blanket, Bean Bag, Stationary, Nursing Cover, Baby Blanket, Family Calendar. These gifts mean so much more to me and they are lasting.

This year it was all about the BOYS! I enojoy Christmas so much more with kids. It's so fun to watch their reactions to each gift and see how much they appreciate it. Even though this was a meager Christmas, the kids had no idea and were just happy for what they got. Camden kept saying, "Wow" and Jace would jump up and down yelling "Woo Hoo" Jace played with his police cars, dump truck and street sweeper and helicopter all day and Camden got a bunch of fun interactive gifts. The best part of the day though was just being all together. Heath's family came over and we had a mexican fiesta Christmas. The food was delicious!!!!!! I love seeing the cousins play. At one point in the day, however, I sat down on the couch and looked around at 5 different people playing on their new electronic toy. It was one was talking...just playing on their I touch or I phone or MP3 or Ipod. Understandable but a tad bit sad.

Later that day, we went and saw Sherlock Holmes, which I really enjoyed. The movie wasn't non-stop action but it was entertaining and I like the mystery focused stories. Plus, the acting was great. It's hard to believe Christmas day is over but I'm grateful that I was able to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas this year. I am thankful that we could be together as family. I was hoping to do Christmas caroling or the nativity this year but it just got hectic at the house. It will be easier to start traditions when we're at our own home. :) We did squeeze in reading Luke Christmas Eve.