March flew by this year and I can hardly believe it's April. Another thing I can hardly believe is how round my tummy is getting. Being pregnant is not really tangible until you see your body change or feel the baby. Well, both have happened and I'm not sure how I feel about being all big and round again but can't wait for this sweet baby to join the family. Also, i can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl. Can't believe this was the last spring break for Heath. Also can't believe it's snowing today.
Well, we had our last round of visits last week and we're anxiously awaiting more visitors. At the end of January, my mom came. two weeks later, ali and ryan came and then last week Heath's parents came! We LOVE having people come to Colorado so if you're looking for a trip, consider it! Unfortunately, we have yet to have a comfortable bed for our guests to sleep in so most opt for the hotel route. I'm happy with where I am at right now in my life. It's crazy and unpredictable but it makes me smile. Today, the kids and I stayed in the car and danced and sang our hearts out to a Backstreet Boys song. I love those moments. I took Jace to get his haircut because I just didn't have the time to sit and do it for an hour. I really enjoying cutting his hair but he moves so much it takes forever! I'm not a pro. :) Today is picture day!
So, what happened in March? a lot. Let's see if I can recap. Went to the museum with Jace's class to check out the dinosaurs, watched Camden get even more teeth...he's done now., enjoying Jace's learning moments--he wrote the word CAT for the first time and without my help. He sounded the whole thing out himself. More snow days. Heath and I went and saw Michael Buble! As gay as that might sound, HE and I really enjoyed it! It wasn't obviously a rock out concert but he is such a great entertainer. It was both of our first concerts! Our next one will be Muse. Our seats were high but close to the stage so we got to see all of Buble funny antics and silly dance moves. He really has a great sense of humor too. It was a much needed date night (THANK YOU Brenda and Terry for coming and watching the kiddos so we could be at ease :) Heath's parents came and we had a blast! They took Jace to see How to Train a Dragon, we ate and ate, played games, stayed indoors from the cold weather, went on an easter egg hunt, planted veggies for the garden and well just loved having them here.
Easter this year was special. I made a Jerusalem dinner with lamb, barley, salad, deviled eggs, grape juice, pita bread, asparagus, fruit desert. Everyone seemed to enjoy it! We did an easter program with the kids that morning and watched General Conference of course! Jace sat through and listened to two talks!!! I know...I was shocked too. He would sit there and pick out words, like Jesus, faith, family. It warms my heart to see him grow in the gospel. I felt like every talk this year was for me. I needed that extra push as a mother and a parent to be more loving, patient, enduring, organized, focused. etc.
That's it for now. I'm going to go and be a mom now.