Sunday, October 21, 2007

YES ON 300

I wanted to post this for all to read. Most of you know that I am very active in political issues and redevelopment in our community. I really enjoy it and take pride in knowing what is going on. Most of us are so busy with our own lives that we don’t take the time to make sure we have the full truth on certain issues and just listen to hearsay. For the last year, I have been active in helping a development called Waveyard come to Mesa. This is a world-class development that does not exist in the world.

First off, for those of you who get scared every time they hear, “tax”, this is the project for you because….. this is what is called a “USER TAX” subsidy. This is not a traditional tax subsidy where the citizens give money to the developer. A User tax allows the city to sell the land for 30 million; Waveyard pays 10 mil up front and pays the remainder off with sales tax. If you do not use the facility, your money or taxes will NOT go to it, which is why it is called a user tax. Second, tourism in this state is Huge; however, not much exists in Mesa to draw tourists, which equals more $$$$$ for our city. Really, there is no reason for out of state or even other cities to come and spend their money in Mesa, which in return pays for important city services.

I have done A LOT of research on this project and have spoken with the developers and city officials numerous times concerning the issue. This is also switching one recreation use (golf) that is tax subsidized by city of Mesa tax payers for multiple recreation uses. It will use a little more than the amount of water the golf course uses right now. Waveyard will have Mesa’s first 4 Star Hotel/Conference Center, also an indoor water park, amphitheater, scuba, wake boarding, U.S. largest wave pool for surfing, kayaking, white river rafting, specialized retain that does not exist in Arizona, offices and residential all in one which makes it a true mix use project.
And I am just stating a few of the rec. uses that will be available. Just think, you could get certified for scuba diving around the corner. It will also have beautiful architecture in a beautiful Mediterranean setting and theme. Not to mention, location location, location!! This will be positioned next to Mesa Riverview, next to two major freeways, and will raise property values in the area and spur redevelopment into our community. This will finally put Mesa on the map, and bring valuable funding to our city.

I know some have family and friends here in Mesa. I hope you will educate yourself on this issue, share it with others in Mesa who you know and VOTE November 6th. Bring the Waveyard to Mesa. Vote YES on 300. If you have any questions, I’d be happy to talk to you or try to address your concerns. They also have two great web sites as resources

P.S. They aren’t tearing down the Riverview Park, and if this does pass, the city will be making improvements to the it with possible amenities such as adding splash zones, tennis courts, walking paths, etc. And the city will be in charge of relocating the softball fields to another place in West Mesa. It has to pass first to go forward with anything.


Brandon and Mandi Hemming said...

Do you mind if I post your post :) regarding waveyard on my blog? I totally agree with you and would like to help get the word out.
Thanks :)

Stacey said...

not at all. :) The more that get the word out, the better :) Thanks. Heath will appreciate that, too. have a great day

Maren said...

Are there any groups against this? I have only heard & seen propaganda for it. I was just wondering if they anticipate any opposition?

Stacey said...

No, that's what's so amazing about this project. Mostly all of the city leaders and city groups are FOR it. Some people and residents have misconceptions but no organized city groups are opposing it.

In fact, some groups in support include the Mesa Convention and Visitors Bureau, Mesa Chamber of Commerce, United Mesa Firefighters, Mesa Police Association, Valley Business Owners and Concerned Citizens.

These are some that strongly opposed the Riverview Development, but all are supporting the YES ON WAVEYARD

Stacey said...

P.S. If anyone wants a sign for their yard, Heath has plenty. He's already given away 5. Just let me know and you can come pick it up.

Heath Reed said...

10 actually.

This project is not perfect, but the pros outweigh the cons I believe. The VBO and Concerned citizens (who stacey mentioned are the groups that have opposed about everything in Mesa. They said this is the best deal they have seen between a city and a private developer.

We can't keep running great ideas away from you city that need more sales tax, especially tourism tax. If we turn this project down, I fear that it will put Mesa back even further financially, and we all will feel the effects of it.

I can give any a sign, or you can go to the site and sign up for one.

We need to show strong support of this.

Remember, NOV. 6th is the day we all need to go and vote, and bring Waveyard to Mesa.